Many of the clients seek to improve their financial situation to be able to have a choice of schools for their children’s education, to own a holiday home, to retire very comfortably, to take regular overseas holidays, to have a boat or drive their preferred car, to take a year off work to focus on their preferred charity or community project. Whatever the outcome, the greater the wealth, the greater your choices!
In order to get there we discuss your goals and objectives; having a focus is really important. We discuss timelines to further develop the focus. The better we can define it, the more real it is and the closer it will be to obtaining.
We discuss your cash flow in detail. Wealth creation is not about the next ‘get rich’ scheme. It will require some discipline, but the rewards and choices can be well worth it. We also discuss and agree on your risk tolerance or your preparedness to accept investment market fluctuations. This helps determine our ultimate recommendations. It’s about understanding what you’re trying to achieve and your readiness and capacity to achieve it. Some of the strategies we may consider are as follows:
- Savings plans
- Tax effective investments
- Building investments beyond super
- Debt reduction / consolidation
- Borrowing for investment
- Superannuation contribution strategies
Beyond our initial recommendations, it’s always our goal to review your plan on an ongoing basis. We will assess how you are tracking, check whether your situation has changed and whether your objectives have altered. Our regular review service can help keep you on track and allows us to make any necessary further recommendations as the need arises.
If you would like to improve your financial situation, or if you would just like a second opinion on the strategy you’ve already undertaken, please call us today on 0431 107 198 for your free initial appointment.